Jack Delosa and the power of video: 3.6 million reach from one post, and counting

Entrepreneurial educator Jack Delosa says a series of online videos helped put his latest book, Unwritten on the bestseller list. His success shows the power of engaging video content in building connections and driving sales.

Jack Delosa, CEO of entrepreneurial education company The Entourage says the five animated videos created to promote his new book, Unwritten, had a significant impact on sales.

Posted only to Jack’s Facebook page, and with no supporting paid advertising, these videos received more than a million views and 20,000 shares during their first four weeks.

Jack Delosa’s team are high users of online video, posting up to 10 video posts per week – and the Unwritten videos were, says Jack, “the most engaging, highest performing content we have ever distributed over social media.”

Hello I’m Jack Delosa, Founder and CEO of The Entourage, Australia’s largest educator of entrepreneurs and innovators.
We’ve recently engaged Andre from Colour Andre to produce five animated videos for the release of my book Unwritten.
the five videos that Andre produced for us with the most engaging highest performing content we have ever distributed over social media.
The video that Andre produced for us reached over a million views and reached 3.6 million people. Subsequently Unwritten became the number one business bestseller in Australia in its first week of release.
To Andre in the entire team at Colour Andre thank you for your hard work keep going and keep shining a light on businesses and people all around Australia.


Online video delivers results

Online video can be a powerful marketing tool – and can have a bigger impact that traditional, paid advertising. Given an ever-growing number of marketing professionals are using online video (more than 80% today, up from 70% in 2011 according to MarketingProfs), more and more businesses are seeing the benefits.

Nielsen research conducted for the IAB found digital video can enhance your campaign’s reach at a lower cost when compared to television, and will deliver better general recall, brand and message recall and better likeability.

The Online Publishers Association says 80 per cent of internet users recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days and 46% of these users took some action after viewing the ad, including visiting the ad website (22%), visiting the advertised company (15%) and buying the advertised product (12%).

Forbes Insight puts the sales conversion rate for online video even higher, saying about 50% of those who viewed an online marketing video went on to buy something from the advertised business.

Making online video work for you

The good news is, with the right team behind you, compelling video content is always achievable – and it doesn’t have to break the bank. Jack Delosa’s Unwritten videos were created by the Colour Andre team and we’re sure Jack would agree they have delivered more than just value for money.

If you want to forge stronger connections with your community or customers, online video content, when it’s done well, can be a powerful and very cost-effective tool for engagement.

See the videos we produced for Jack Delosa below
Unwritten by Jack Delosa eye-catching illustration, animation and motion graphics

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